After a short life, you can find the mortal remains of the once busy flies. They lie around on the floor like shiny precious stones before they finally turn to dust.
I’m intrigued by those objects, glittering in the sunlight. After I was painting them for a while in the series «Flies», I started to work on three-dimensonal objects. Because of their small size, complex shape, and the iridescent surface, the Insects remain hardly graspable with the naked eye. The uncertain, lasting Impression those Insects left on me, I expressed with clay, glazing, and effect lacquer.
Bottle Flies, 2017,
clay, glazing, effect lacquer, 30 cm each
Bottle Flies, 2017,
clay, glazing, effect lacquer, 30 cm each
Bottle Flies, 2017,
clay, glazing, effect lacquer, 30 cm each